Categories bug bouties Top-Tier Bug bounty Hunter Mindset (BSides Ahmedadabad 2022 Keynote) Hunting for Amazon Cognito Security misconfigurations (NahamCon EU 2022) Recon flow, bug bounty, mental health and more! (Interview with Nahamsec & Jhaddix) Exploiting a double-edged SSRF for server and client-side impact Automated monitoring of subdomains for fun and profit — Release of Sublert How I discovered a $1000 open redirect in Facebook appsec Top-Tier Bug bounty Hunter Mindset (BSides Ahmedadabad 2022 Keynote) Hunting for Amazon Cognito Security misconfigurations (NahamCon EU 2022) Exploitation of an SSRF vulnerability against EC2 IMDSv2 Exploiting a double-edged SSRF for server and client-side impact Automated monitoring of subdomains for fun and profit — Release of Sublert Python module UrlParse security inconsistency How I discovered a $1000 open redirect in Facebook software engineering Refactoring and deploying & REST API on AWS bug bounties Exploitation of an SSRF vulnerability against EC2 IMDSv2 life A letter to myself